Feature Focus: Project Settings

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis featurefocus people resources scope time

What settings can you use for each project in Graceful Efforts so you can manage it just the way you need to ?

Waterfall vs Agile vs Hybrid

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential resources scope time

What is the difference between Waterfall, Agile and Hybrid ? When should they be used ? Why should they be used ?

Feature Focus: Customize The UI

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis featurefocus scope time

Customize each project's UI to reflect your team's way of working. Name things the way you're used to, for increased familiarity and decreased confusion.

Managing what your project delivers, in Graceful Efforts

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential scope

Learn the simple, straightforward way to manage what your project delivers, with Graceful Efforts.

Always plan what your project should deliver

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis scope

Eliminate the most common source of confusion from your projects, by clearly defining what you want to accomplish.