What kind of software should be used for Project Management ?

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential software

Teams usually get to use a number of different applications organically, as their needs become broader. While this has short term advantages, it usually becomes tedious and time consuming in the long run, especially for the Project Manager.

Feature Focus: Project Overview And Management

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential featurefocus people

Where can you find any information about your projects in Graceful Efforts ? And once you have it, what features should you use, and when ?

What is the PMO (Project Management Office) ?

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis governance

How do we ensure that what we learned along the way will not get lost or reinvented every time we start a new project ?

Template review: Business Case

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis templates

Analyse the project idea to validate that it can be done with the available resources and in the current economic context.

Feature Focus: Project Settings

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis featurefocus people resources scope time

What settings can you use for each project in Graceful Efforts so you can manage it just the way you need to ?

Waterfall vs Agile vs Hybrid

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential resources scope time

What is the difference between Waterfall, Agile and Hybrid ? When should they be used ? Why should they be used ?

Template review: Project Proposal

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis templates

Place the project idea into a context to evaluate its viability and to be more successful in proposing it to someone else.

Feature Focus: Customize The UI

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis featurefocus scope time

Customize each project's UI to reflect your team's way of working. Name things the way you're used to, for increased familiarity and decreased confusion.

Projects, Programs & Portfolios

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential terms

What is a project ? How is it done ? What is its relationship to a Program or to a Portfolio ? These are essential questions, with equally important answers.

Managing your project team, in Graceful Efforts

More than a week ago Octavian Gherghinis essential people

Facilitate your team's sense of ownership for the project, while allowing them to give you the feedback you need.

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